Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How to Make a Light Box the Easy & Economical Way

This morning was cloudy and foggy in Florida. Nice change from the heat and sunshine, but not so great for the photos I planned to take of my bags.

Outdoor light does wonders for product photography. When Mother Natures doesn't cooperate, a light box is a great alternative. Some fabrics I work with show better on a white background with excellent lighting, but a purchased light box or tent can be quite expensive.

Last week, there was a link in the Etsy Forums for Darren Rowse's Digital Photography School article on How to Make An Inexpensive Light Tent at http://digital-photography-school.com/how-to-make-a-inexpensive-light-tent. Thanks to Darren (via an Etsy Post) for sharing this great information in easy to follow steps with lots of great photos!

I already have the recommended white fabric in my stash, lots of masking tape, glue (please, I have two kids - glue rules!), scissors, ruler and lights. I'm sure a box in my recycled stack will work. I just need to go through the boxes to make sure I have one the right size that will work for my smaller items, such as a wallet, plus have enough room for larger items such as handbags and totes.

I will need to go to the craft store and buy more bristol board or poster board to complete this fun project!

If you're interested in building a light tent from PVC tubes instead of a cardboard box, check out Bill Huber's great version at http://www.pbase.com/wlhuber/light_box_light_tent

Enjoy your new Light Box or Tent and take beautiful pictures any time of the day and no matter the weather!