Friday, November 6, 2009

New Clutch Design

I volunteer weekly for a classroom of first graders. The girls always gather around to see what fun bag or wristlet I'm carrying to school that week.

Zipper bags and wristlets are perfect for holding my wallet, cell phone, lipstick and car keys while at school and special bonus - they easily fit in the school cubbies, so I can set my bag down while I'm elbow deep in paints or glue.

For two weeks I carried a Skulls & Crossbone flat bottm wristlet. The one below is listed in my shop. It's similar to the one I carry, but with a curved bottom.

The girls are clamoring to see a new bag and I've been craving a cute clutch with a winter theme. It's been so hot here, that carrying a little winter on my wrist would be refreshing.

My new clutch design will feature a curvy flap to resemble snow drifts. I'm measuring and sketching.

I have a bolt of beautiful blue denim which would go well with this design. The color is rich; denim wears well and can be dressed up or down.

I also pulled from my stash some Cranston Village cotton fabric that has the same rich blue as the denim and beautiful berry reds and bright white snow. It's a nature print with animals surrounded by winter woods. I'm drawn to the berry reds and cardinals.

Watch in the next week as this clutch takes shape. Happy Friday to all!