Thursday, November 5, 2009

My First!

Welcome to my first blog entry!

I love to create! I have been painting, designing and sewing since I was a child and my life has always been filled with art.

I create in a beautiful design studio in sunny Florida - look for photos coming soon. I love to create bags, clutches, handbags and wristlets.

I'm always working on lots of creative projects. I have more ideas than time. I love to sew, paint, make jewelry, work with textiles and mixed's a never ending list.

The Crafty Panda enables me to do what I love and to share that passion with wonderful people around the world.

Watch me work in my studio, check out my projects from sketching to completion, look for some favorite tips and share in the creative journey.

I look forward to meeting you!

Great view of the Pampas Grass from my studio window. Love the colors!



  1. Very nice first Post! Gives one a good impression of you and your craft. Thankyou so much for also answering my forum question. Much appreciated! Also your etsy shop is great, once again Very nice!
    Diane in Minnesota

  2. Thanks Diane for the kind words and for being my first follower. Hope you're having a lovely day in Minnesota. Sending sunshine your way from Florida!

    The Crafty Panda

  3. Welcome neighbor, I'm just outside of Daytona Beach. Your studio is organized,(loving the ribbon holder in your avie photo) I'm already jealous! I've been discovering mixed media, too, over the last couple of years, what a wonderful venue to create art from normally discarded or tiny bits of ephemera! And welcome to blogging!

  4. Hi Pat, love Daytona Beach! That corner of my studio is always organized and neat, so perfect for the avie photo. Now if only the rest of it could stay that way! Mixed media is a wonderful venue since I alwasy seem to have bits and pieces that seem perfect for some sort of project. Happy Friday!
